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Message protocols abstraction

One of the key features of Repid is its message protocols abstraction layer, which allows developers to work with message brokers without worrying about the underlying implementation details. Not only this makes it easy for developers to quickly create applications that use various message brokers to communicate with other systems and services, but it also ensures ease of integration with those brokers, which are not supported out-of-the-box.

Application level routing

Repid provides a robust application level routing system that allows developers to easily define and handle different routes within their application. This allows developers to build complex applications that can route different requests, even if they are coming from one queue. You don't have to rely on broker to support routing anymore!

asyncio top-to-bottom

Another key feature of Repid is that it uses asyncio everywhere: from broker level to execution of your function. This allows developers to build highly concurrent applications that can take advantage of the performance benefits of asyncio. But don't worry - synchronous code is still possible to run!


Repid provides you with sensible defaults, but it's okay to disagree! The framework allows you to change some of it's core functions, such as data structures (and their encoding/decoding mechanisms), function argument mapper and validator, input serializer and more.


Repid includes support for middlewares, which are functions that can be used to extend the functionality of an application. You can use middlewares to add, for example, custom logging to your application.